International Digital Publishing Forum(IDPF)、日本教育情報化振興会(JAPET&CEC)、日本電子出版協会(JEPA)の3団体は、デジタル教科書の国際標準仕様を策定する「EDUPUB(エデュパブ)」の4回目の国際会議を9月16日から18日まで東京で開催します。
EDUPUBは、IDPFが策定し日本でも多くの電子書籍で採用されているHTML5をベースにした「EPUB(イーパブ)」に対話型のドリル(問題、テストなど)や他のアプリケーションとの連携、学習履歴管理サーバ(LMS)などデジタル教科書や教材に必要な機能を追加したものです。 ウェッブの標準化団体W3Cやイーラーニングの標準化団体IMS/GLCも参加し、昨年10月ボストンで第1回目の会議を開催しました。今年2月のソルトレークシティー、6月のノルウェー:オスロに続き、東京での開催となります。 初日は、日本ではなじみが薄いIMS/GLC関連の技術を紹介し、2日目がEDUPUB仕様策定の本会議、3日目は日本のデジタル教育関連の方々に向けた、逐次通訳付きの紹介セミナーを開催します。
共催:World Wide Web Consortium(W3C)、IMS Global Learning Consortium(IMS/GLC)、日本マイクロソフト、日本オープンオンライン教育推進協議会(JMOOC)、放送大学 後援:大学ICT推進協議会(AXIES)、デジタル教科書教材協議会(DiTT)、日本電子書籍出版社協会(EBPAJ)、日本イーラーニングコンソシアム(eLC)、上智大学 協賛:(アルファベット順) ACCESS、アンテナハウス、教育出版、ネットラーニング、SONY、東京書籍、内田洋行
このプレスリリースへのお問い合わせは までお願いします。
Press release EDUPUB Tokyo 2014: Global Conference on International Standardization of e-textbooks in Tokyo
Tokyo, 21/08/2014 --- EDUPUB Tokyo 2014 will take place from September 16 through 18 in Tokyo. This event will be the 4th after the first in Boston (October 2013), second in Salt Lake City (February 2014), and third in Oslo, Norway (June).
EDUPUB is the open web platform which is based on EPUB3 developed on HTML5 formulated by International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF), and HTML5 has been popular and well-utilized for e-textbooks in Japan. EDUPUB has been improved with various functions, including QTI (question & test interoperability), LTI (learning tools interoperability), LMS (learning management system), which would enhance the quality and utilization of e-textbooks and other digital educational materials.EDUPUB Tokyo 2014 will be jointly hosted by IDPF, Japan Association for Promotion of Educational Technology(JAPET), and Japan Electronic Publishing Association (JEPA). Day 1 (September 16) is intended to introduce IMS/GLC-backed technologies, still unfamiliar in Japan, while Day 2 is set for a plenary session with its main focus on further developing EDUPUB specifications. On Day 3 (September 18) an EDUPUB introduction seminar is held with consecutive interpretation (English-Japanese) for all those interested in or engaged in digital education and/or e-learning in Japan and Workshop and seminar on Day 1 and Day 2 will be held in English. For details and registration, please visit: When the number of registration exceeds the seating capacity, the screening will be made based on your comments in the “activity” column in the application form. Attendance for Day 3 is on a first-come-first-served basis from registration on EDUPUB Tokyo 2014 is being held under joint efforts of the following companies and organizations as: Co-hosts: World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), IMS Global Learning Consortium (IMS/GLC), Microsoft Japan, Japan Open Online Education Promotion Council (JMOOC), and the Open University of Japan, Supports: Academic eXchange for Information Environment and Strategy (AXIES), the Electronic Book Publishers Association of Japan (EBPAJ), the Non-Profit Organization e-Learning Consortium Japan (eLC), and Sophia University, and Sponsors (in alphabetical order): ACCESS, Antenna House, KYOIKU-SHUPPAN, NetLearning Holdings, SONY, Tokyo Shoseki, and Uchida Yoko.
Contact: For any questions regarding the above press release, please contact through